About Erin

About Erin

Erin began her journey into Massage Therapy while attending EMU for her undergraduate degree, after experiencing the wonderful pain-relieving effects of massage from the therapists at EMU. In 2007 she attended Shenandoah Valley School of Therapeutic Massage (SVSTM) in Edinburg, VA, and became state licensed and nationally certified (LMT, BCTMB). Her main emphasis at first was Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Myofascial Release. SVSTM emphasized Deep Tissue and Myofascial techniques that work with the body’s level of comfort, so that the greatest amount of relief can be gained with the least amount of discomfort, for optimum release of muscle tension. Erin continues to emphasize this aspect of communication between client and therapist when Deep Tissue techniques are being used, reminding clients that a massage shouldn’t truly hurt at any point, as that could hinder the body’s ability to relax and heal.

Among other continuing education courses, Erin became a certified Nurturing the Mother® Prenatal and Postpartum Massage Therapist, in 2009. During her early years as a Massage Therapist, she worked in a chiropractor’s office, as well as her home office and a mini day spa. She also worked part time for a florist, among other complimentary jobs. With the birth of her first child in 2011, and the second in 2015, Erin focused her energy on being a mother, while maintaining her massage skills on the side, primarily with family and friend clients as her schedule allowed.

When her first child was about two years old, Erin began offering prenatal and postpartum massages at Brookhaven Birth Center, very part time, by request. Her business there has grown slowly but steadily, with ebbs and flows at the perfect pace for her family life. She found the work to be incredibly rewarding, as she herself had experienced the wonderful prenatal care at Brookhaven with both children. (Her first child was under Brookhaven care, but born at the hospital by C-section; while her second pregnancy began with Shenandoah Women’s Health, but was completed at Brookhaven Birth Center with a VBAC there.) She found that many women enjoyed discussing pregnancy and birth during a prenatal massage; and Erin enjoyed this aspect of her work as well.

This led to her realization that she may be able to integrate these two aspects of her work in a more effective way. While conversation during a massage can be wonderful, Erin also realized, from her own personal experiences receiving massage, that a quiet, meditative massage setting can be amazing as well. However, in all walks of life, but especially during pregnancy and parenting, the mind-body connection is especially heightened – there are many mental and emotional aspects that effect the body, and vice versa. So, finding some ways to really support women and mothers mentally and emotionally, she thought, could provide an even more effective and enjoyable massage session.

In April of 2023, Erin became a Certified Professional Life Coach (or CLC), through Certified Life Coach Institute (CLCI). While different from counseling or therapy, Life Coaching can be a great tool for moving through life transitions with greater ease, or fine tuning habits or mindsets in order to live life more joyfully. Erin enjoys seeing the transformation that occurs in clients through the life coaching experience, which can be equal to or greater than the stress-relieving effects of Massage Therapy.

In her Life Coaching practice, Erin feels especially inspired to assist clients with questions of vocation and daily routines, especially as it relates to the experience of pregnancy, parenting, and relationships. However, her life coaching training really allows her to work with anyone, in any area of focus that they choose.

Erin lives in Keezletown, VA, along with her husband and two daughters, cat, dog, and other animals. While her focus is on women and parents, Erin welcomes all genders, ages, life stages, nationalities, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, or life experiences. She delights in expanding her knowledge in both Massage Therapy and Life Coaching, and in helping others find greater joy and ease in this journey of life.

Life Coaching
Massage Therapy