Life Coaching

Life Coaching

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, Erin is trained to help clients make improvements in their lives, by discussing goals or areas in their lives that could benefit from more focus and support. While she can work with anyone on any area of focus, she is especially inspired to work with women who are considering starting a family or are already pregnant or raising children. Erin loves helping women talk through choices related to pregnancy, work, and having kids.

Before becoming pregnant, women may benefit from processing their thoughts and feelings around having children, in order to maintain a sense of ease and flow in the transition to motherhood. Women who are already pregnant may enjoy having a Life Coach to help consider choices related to pregnancy and birth, as all the information coming from their service provider can take more time to process than is often allotted to each prenatal visit. Also, pregnancy related decisions can have an emotional component that is helpful to talk through with someone not directly involved with your care team. While Erin is happy to share her ideas and resources as the client requests, often the client is the one who discovers all the answers to any lingering questions, through the coaching process.

The following are just a few areas that may benefit from deeper thought and focus, during a coaching session:

  • Thoughts and feelings around starting a family
  • How you approach decisions related to pregnancy and birth
  • Things to consider for the birth process and postpartum phase
  • Ways to create the greatest ease for you and your partner or other support, during the transition to parenting
  • Parenting challenges for you, and ways to adapt and find greater ease
  • Considerations around returning to work, or finding support and strength in staying home with children
  • Processing changes in your personal life, relationships, and body
  • Tweaking schedules, habits, and mindsets to bring greater ease to your day
  • Brainstorming solutions, coupled with consistent reassurance that you have all the best answers within you

Life Coaching Prices

  • 15 min. initial phone conversation, to discuss general coaching goals, the coaching process, and scheduling: FREE
  • 60 min. Coaching session: $70.00
  • One month (4 sessions) Prepaid, scheduled within one month: $250.00 ($30 Savings)

Coaching / Massage Combo

During the Prenatal and Postpartum phases (and throughout life), a combination of coaching and massage can be ideal. With the combination package, we have the option to spend all 4 sessions in coaching each month, if you feel that 4 sessions of coaching is ideal. Or, you can convert one of the 4 sessions to a massage, if you’re needing a massage that week instead of a coaching session. Just give a 24 hour notice that you’ll be receiving a massage instead of a coaching session. Or feel free to plan up front for your massage on any particular week, with the other 3 weeks spent on coaching. If you choose the combo package, you’ll also fill out the massage intake form at your first coaching session, so that all forms are complete.

Combination 3 coaching sessions and 1 (60 min.) massage, prepaid and scheduled within 1 month: $250.00

Massage Therapy